SAP's weighting in the Dax impacted by the 15% cap
According to Stoxx, a subsidiary of Deutsche Börse, SAP's weighting in the Dax was 16.2% as of 2 December. In accordance with Deutsche Börse's rules for the Dax, SAP's weighting in the Dax is therefore likely to be significantly impacted by the 15% cap with effect from 23 December. The weighting of a share in the Dax is limited to 15%, subject to capping on a quarterly basis. The rebalancing takes effect on the Monday after the third Friday in December.
As expected, the quarterly review of the Dax indices did not result in any changes to the blue chip index Dax 40. However, there are changes in the MDax, SDax and TecDax, Stoxx announced. Auto1 and Evotec have been promoted from the SDax to the MDax. On the other hand, Befesa and Stabilus will be downgraded from the MDax to the SDax, in other words from the second to the third league. These index changes will also take effect on Monday 23 December.
There have been major changes in the SDax, where a regular review also took place, while the Dax, MDax and TecDax were reviewed based on the so-called fast exit and fast entry rules. Nexus, Springer Nature and Formycon were promoted to the SDax, meaning that there are five newcomers in the SDax, including the two MDax relegates Befesa and Stabilus.
Adtran Holdings, Takkt and Thyssenkrupp Nucera have been relegated from the SDax. Like the two newcomers to the MDax, Auto1 and Evotec, they will no longer be represented in the SDax from 23 December. According to Stoxx, Adtran Holdings has been removed from the relevant ranking list for the Dax indices because the company no longer fulfils the minimum requirements for liquidity in a share according to the rules and regulations. Nexus and the Ionos Group have been promoted to the TecDax. In return, SMA Solar and Energiekontor will no longer be represented in Deutsche Börse's technology index.