Tom Slater

Leading a Flagship

Tom Slater has been serving as Joint Manager of Scottish Mortgage since 2015. Once star stock-picker James Anderson retires, Slater will replace him at the forefront of Baillie Gifford‘s flagship fund.

Leading a Flagship

Tom Slater is Head of the US Equities Team and a decision maker for the Long Term Global Growth strategy at Baillie Gifford. After serving as deputy manager for five years, he was appointed Joint Manager of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust in 2015. Once star stock-picker James Anderson steps down in April 2022, Slater will replace him at the forefront of Scottish Mortgage.

Like most of Baillie Gifford‘s partners, Slater has spent his entire working life at the firm. He graduated as a Bachelor in Computer Science with Mathematics from the University of Edinburgh in 2000. Today, Slater lives in Morningside – a district in the south west of the Scottish capital – with his wife, a genetic scientist, and three children. He cycles to the office and also likes to keep fit by running 30 miles – mostly on his favourite route in the Pentland Hills south of the city. For longer distances, Slater enjoys driving his Tesla Model 3.

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