Bundesbank warnt vor Kapitalknappheit
March 31, 2023, 9:59: Uhr
Aus dem Ressort
Dax zurück im Rally-Modus
Der deutsche Leitindex hat auch am Mittwoch kräftig zulegen können und ein neues Allzeithoch markiert. Gefragt waren ein Energietechniker, ein Sportartikelhersteller und Tech-Werte.
„Depreciation of the euro is becoming increasingly likely“
Economists from Essen based National-Bank see a resilient 2025 global economy thanks to growth in Asia and the United States. But the eurozone continues to struggle with structural challenges.
Virtual AGM formats and remuneration high on the agenda
The AGM season gets underway at the end of the month, with Thyssenkrupp, Tui and Siemens among the early meetings. Whether to meet online-only in future years is up for a vote at many AGMs, and remuneration is likely to be a controversial theme for some companies.
Crashing in China
All the German luxury auto manufacturers are losing sales and market share in China. A relentless price war is raging there in the premium car segment.
BaFin launches comparison portal for current accounts
BaFin has launched a free website for private individuals to compare current accounts. Banks must submit data on areas such as account and card fees, overdraft charges, and interest rates.
Warten auf den ganz großen Deal
Londons Investmentbanker sind bester Laune, wenn es um das Geschäft mit Übernahmen und Fusionen geht. Sie hoffen für 2025 auf richtig große Deals.