Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema AI.
„We also have a responsibility to hand over an intact country to future generations“
Entrepreneur and consultant Harald Christ wants the next coalition government in Berlin to think creatively about new approaches to Germany's economic future. A large part of the huge investments needed should come from private capital – but nonetheless he supports reform of the debt brake.
AI is changing the dealmaking process
From the search for takeover targets to due diligence and draft contracts, Artificial Intelligence is being used in more and more areas of the M&A process. The tools are still in their infancy, but it is already clear that some business models will change.
The balancing act
A knee-jerk reaction to the Big Tech deregulation hype coming from the United States is not appropriate for Europe. But a review of possible brakes on innovation might be necessary.
China's million-dollar move in the trillion-dollar game
The Chinese AI application DeepSeek looks to have matched ChatGPT's results with much lower investment – sending shock waves through the US stock markets. But perhaps some overhyped US tech stocks were ready for a correction anyway.
Significant investments in AI
Helaba CEO Thomas Groß is committed to invest tens of millions in AI, and has already identified 85 use cases. The bank has plans to expand its workforce in 2025.
The AI bottleneck
The growing use of AI requires an ecosystem that will cost hundreds of billions to build. And Europe looks just as appealing as the United States for AI infrastructure investors.
Germany must keep pace with developments in AI
Never before has a new technology penetrated the entire economy as quickly as Artificial Intelligence. When used correctly, it unleashes enormous growth potential. The German business sector needs to keep up with the pace being set by other countries.
WTO warns about global fragmentation in AI regulation
The World Trade Organization has warned that if global AI regulation is not coordinated, its full impact on growth in international trade may not be felt. The WTO wants to use its framework to help align the use of AI.
Zügige deutsche Umsetzung des EU-AI-Act gefordert
Die KI-Regulierung in Deutschland könnte durch das Ampel-Aus verzögert werden. Der TÜV Verband fordert die Opposition zur Mitarbeit auf. Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland sei in Gefahr.
German economy needs more digital sovereignty
German companies are concerned about their heavy dependence on non-European providers of software, cloud services, and AI applications. At the Digital Summit in Frankfurt, the government was urged to support European providers via better regulation, and more business-friendly market conditions.
Payment services providers need to move faster on AI
The growth rate of the payments market is expected to slow in the coming years, as the big shift away from cash has already happened in many countries. The latest Global Payments Report from Boston Consulting Group says that providers must become more efficient, including moving faster on the use of AI.
Productivity as a lifeline
Keeping unemployment at low levels has come at the cost of productivity. A wave of investment is now needed to avert economic decline in Germany.
Mehr Fokus auf AI als ESG-Bürokratie
In ESG-Themen sehen sich Aufsichtsräte von einer Überregulierung belastet. Ressourcen werden für Digitalisierung und AI dringend gebraucht.
Deutsche Unternehmen blicken kritisch auf die KI-Regulierung der EU
Die neue KI-Gesetzgebung der EU gibt zwar den Rahmen vor, zugleich ist die Verordnung sehr unscharf gehalten, was Unternehmen angesichts hoher Strafandrohungen verunsichert.
Der Wettbewerb um KI-Talente wird immer härter
Deutschland muss mehr tun, um ausländische Experten an sich zu binden und eigene Fachleute zu halten. Hilfreich wären regionale KI-Hotspots aus Universitäten und Unternehmen – und mehr Englisch als Umgangssprache.
Wenn die KI wahnsinnig wird
Immer mehr KI-generierte Trainingsdaten im Netz machen die generativen Modelle krank. Sie infizieren sich und werden dümmer. Die Produktivitätshoffnungen sind wohl zu hoch gegriffen. Spezialisierter KI gehört die Zukunft.
Impact of AI remains to be seen
Ann-Katrin Petersen, Head of Capital Market Strategy for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe at the Blackrock Investment Institute, explains in the interview why some investor expectations regarding AI are exaggerated, and where she sees opportunities globally in equities.
Deutschland verspielt nächste technologische Chance
Politik und Wirtschaft verspielen die nächste technologische Chance, weil sie die strukturverändernde Macht der KI unterschätzen.
AI as an accelerant for market concentration
AI is the next challenge facing competition authorities worldwide. Andreas Mundt, President of the Federal Cartel Office, views AI as an accelerant for market concentration.
„We are not dependent on IPOs“
Technology investor DTCP has raised over 400 million dollars for a new growth fund. Slightly less than half comes from anchor investor Deutsche Telekom.
One mistake with customer data and it's over
Artificial Intelligence does not yet play a major role in the asset management industry. But a Boston Consulting Group survey shows that many firms have plans for new applications.
Investors nervous about prospects for France as centre for AI startups
France has established itself as a European hotspot for Artificial Intelligence and has attracted a lot of foreign capital. But the elections called by President Emmanuel Macron are causing concern.
IMF worries about impact on social stability from AI
During the transition phase of AI introduction, wages will tend to fall and capital income will increase. The IMF is calling for a reorganisation of the tax system, an expansion of social assistance, and targeted training.
Data centres attract new investors
Data centres are currently mainly financed by private equity and specialised infrastructure investors. But real estate asset managers are now beginning to invest billions in the fast growing sector,