Artificial Intelligence

Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema Artificial Intelligence.

GFT Technologies moving fast on artificial intelligence

Marco Santos, CEO of SDax constituent GTF Technologies, is focused on building a more efficient organisational structure. This includes a Group Technology Office bringing together regional heads to ensure a rapid response to new developments in Artificial Intelligence.
A conversation withMarco Santos, CEO
von Sabine Reifenberger

Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

In September 2023, after months of discussions, Nord/LB's stakeholders gave the green light for the implementation of a new bank management IT system. The multi-year programme is crucial for the future profitability of the bank. COO Christoph Auerbach gives Börsen-Zeitung an update on the project.
Interview withChristoph Auerbach
von Carsten Steevens

Italian-Turkish drone manufacturing alliance

Italian defence company Leonardo and the Turkish drone manufacturer Baykar are setting up a joint venture to produce combat and surveillance drones for the global market.
Defence industries
von Gerhard Bläske

China's million-dollar move in the trillion-dollar game

The Chinese AI application DeepSeek looks to have matched ChatGPT's results with much lower investment – sending shock waves through the US stock markets. But perhaps some overhyped US tech stocks were ready for a correction anyway.
EditorialAI race
von Sebastian Schmid

Significant investments in AI

Helaba CEO Thomas Groß is committed to invest tens of millions in AI, and has already identified 85 use cases. The bank has plans to expand its workforce in 2025.
Helaba hiring new staff in 2025
von Carolin Kassella

Germany must keep pace with developments in AI

Never before has a new technology penetrated the entire economy as quickly as Artificial Intelligence. When used correctly, it unleashes enormous growth potential. The German business sector needs to keep up with the pace being set by other countries.
The rise of Artificial Intelligence
von Stephan Lorz

WTO warns about global fragmentation in AI regulation

The World Trade Organization has warned that if global AI regulation is not coordinated, its full impact on growth in international trade may not be felt. The WTO wants to use its framework to help align the use of AI.
AI and global trade
von Stephan Lorz

Productivity as a lifeline

Keeping unemployment at low levels has come at the cost of productivity. A wave of investment is now needed to avert economic decline in Germany.
EditorialGermany's weak growth
von Stephan Lorz

Impact of AI remains to be seen

Ann-Katrin Petersen, Head of Capital Market Strategy for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe at the Blackrock Investment Institute, explains in the interview why some investor expectations regarding AI are exaggerated, and where she sees opportunities globally in equities.
Interview withAnn-Katrin Petersen, Blackrock
von Dieter Kuckelkorn

AI: friend and foe of central banks

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help central banks with forecasting. However, the technology also harbours risks for financial stability and monetary policy.
AnalysisAI at central banks
von Martin Pirkl

AI instead of Kaldemorgen

AI is already making the investment decisions at a number of funds. Whether AI is better than a human as a fund manager in the long run remains to be seen in practice.
EditorialFund management
von Werner Rüppel

Google is in search mode

The Google cash cow of Alphabet is synonymous with internet search. Generative AI is poised to revolutionise a vast market, but convincing business models are still lacking.
AnalysisGoogle and AI
von Heidi Rohde

McKinsey: AI will have millions looking for new jobs

Millions of workers will have to find new roles by 2030 as AI is phased in, a McKinsey study says. A gigantic retraining strategy is needed.
Artificial Intelligence
von Stephan Lorz

Data centres attract new investors

Data centres are currently mainly financed by private equity and specialised infrastructure investors. But real estate asset managers are now beginning to invest billions in the fast growing sector,
AnalysisInvesting in data centres
von Thomas List

Manifold use cases and pitfalls for AI in capital investment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in portfolio management and risk allocation. Daniel Ung, State Street Global Advisors, explains the potential and limitations – and ventures a look into the future of utilising alternative data.
Interview withDaniel Ung, State Street Global Advisors
von Franz Công Bùi

Vielfältige Fälle und Fallen für KI in der Kapitalanlage

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) kommt zunehmend im Portfoliomanagement und bei der Risikoallokation zum Einsatz. Daniel Ung, State Street Global Advisors, erläutert Potenziale und Grenzen – und wagt einen Blick in die Zukunft bei der Nutzung alternativer Daten.
Finanzen und Technik – Im Interview:Daniel Ung, State Street Global Advisors
von Franz Công Bùi

„The boundaries between cooperation and competition are blurring“

SAP is measured against heavyweights like Microsoft, but also collaborates closely with them in the field of artificial intelligence. CFO Dominik Asam explains why he sees SAP in a strong position in these negotiations, what role US investors play for him, and what AI has to do with instant coffee.
CFO-Interview withDominik Asam, SAP
von Sabine Reifenberger und Heidi Rohde

Artificial intelligence – the decisive factor for the economic location Germany

In the race with other economic powers for supremacy in artificial intelligence, Germany is in danger of losing out. This would also weaken all other domestic industries and set the country back in the competition.
AnalysisInternational competition
von Stephan Lorz

AI expert concerned about Germany's digital sovereignty

In order not to lose pace with the other major economic players, Germany must make a greater effort to develop its own AI infrastructure, ZEW expert Bertschek demands.
InterviewIrene Bertschek, ZEW
von Stephan Lorz

The weal and woe of the location depends on education policy

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the job market. Whether Germany ends up among the winners will be determined by education policy, not just investments or regulations. In the era of AI, the fate of the entire location depends on it.
EditorialArtificial intelligence
von Stephan Lorz

Concerns about the emergence of an AI proletariat

It is not yet clear how many jobs will be lost or created as a result of AI. The restructuring phase poses new questions for tax and economic policy. And there is a risk of social unrest if no countermeasures are taken.
Artificial intelligence
von Stephan Lorz

Provincial court hears the AI enigma

The question of whether promises made in advertising regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are being upheld is now occupying the German judiciary.
Trial for potential investment fraud
von Björn Godenrath

AI advancing towards content and creativity

Generative models drive the development of artificial intelligence in the finance industry. There are many application ideas for novel AI. Only a few are ready for business.
Frankfurt Digital FinanceDisruption within the financial sector
von Wolf Brandes

OpenAI in fair use dispute: How much transformation is in ChatGPT?

Developers of generative AI tools still operate within a gray area with regard to copyright when training their language models. However, their reliance on the fair use principle could carry weight considering previous legal precedents.
von Karolin Rothbart