
Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema bureaucracy.

„Despite everything, we are confident about Germany as a business location“

The Neuenhauser Group is currently holding back on new investment. However, the family-owned mechanical engineering and metal processing company remains committed to the German business location, and hopes to see positive action from the next government.
Confidence instead of German angst (9)Neuenhauser Group
von Carsten Steevens

Bureaucracy reduction as a point of contention

The upcoming EU Omnibus legislative package aims at simplifying requirements for sustainability reporting. As the first details emerge, a fierce dispute is already raging over what exactly should be included.
AnalysisEU Competitiveness Compass
von Detlef Fechtner

EU financial supervision still has a rocky road ahead

BaFin President Mark Branson has made a plea for less complex financial supervision and regulation. But this is likely to run up against the realities of how the EU functions.
OpinionBaFin and EU regulation
von Anna Sleegers

Social benefits win more votes than economic reforms

Leipzig based economist Gunther Schnabl argues that German mistrust of market mechanisms, and politicians' tendency to increase bureaucracy, are holding back economic growth.
Interview withGunther Schnabl
von Stephan Lorz

Bureaucracy and regulation deter companies from locating in Germany

A country comparison by the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW) concludes that bureaucracy and over regulation are stifling growth and making Germany an unattractive business location.
ZEW Study on Germany as a Business Location
von Stephan Lorz

Grim outlook for Germany as an investment location

Germany can only emerge from its economic slowdown through increased investment. However, many companies are avoiding it as a business location. An Ifo survey highlights the need for reforms, while a recent report from consultants Strategy& points to the dangers of continued deindustrialization.
Economic policy
von Stephan Lorz

The foundation of the economic location is cracking

For too long, the German coalition, in its subliminal anti-capitalist reflex, has brushed aside the warnings of the economy about loss of competitiveness. This is now taking its revenge - and a comprehensive rescue plan is needed.
EditorialGerman coalition
von Stephan Lorz

Relegation battle

Germany is failing in every possible way: inadequate market measures, excessive central planning and bureaucracy, escalating social costs, deteriorating infrastructure, rising energy prices, and a diminishing appeal for highly skilled individuals. Yet, Berlin remains committed to the misguided path.
EditorialEconomic location Germany
von Stephan Lorz