Capital Markets Union

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Founders of innovative companies should be able to retain control

MEP René Repasi from the SPD wants to see an acceleration of Capital Markets Union. And he would also like to see the introduction of a new type of corporate legal framework, to promote innovation.
Interview withRené Repasi
von Detlef Fechtner

Europe finding it difficult to reach consensus on details of CMU

Capital Markets Union was becoming something of an empty phrase, but the Eurogroup has given the term some substance again. However there are still disputes between member states over the details.
OpinionCapital Markets Union
von Detlef Fechtner

„US monetary policy should not affect our own monetary policy that much“

François Villeroy de Galhau warns against cutting rates too late by the ECB. In the interview with the Börsen-Zeitung the Governor of the Banque de France also talks about which factors could particularly influence monetary policy in the near future.
InterviewFrançois Villeroy de Galhau
von Martin Pirkl und Gesche Wüpper

German banks urge politicians to introduce reforms

Germany's commercial banks have called on the government to introduce extensive reforms to get the economy moving again. And they are pressing for a postponement to the introduction of Basel III.
German Banking Congress
von Angela Wefers

Scholz promises political support for Capital Markets Union

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has promised the German finance industry that he will work towards the further rapid development of Capital Markets Union and Banking Union.
Banking Congress 2024Banking Union and CMU
von Andreas Heitker und Angela Wefers

Franco-German initiative on Capital Markets Union

The discussions on Capital Markets Union are regaining momentum. As part of this process, the German Banking Industry Committee and French Banking Federation recently presented a joint position paper to their respective Finance Ministries.
Push to regain momentum on Capital Markets Union
von Tobias Fischer

Europe's capital

The Capital Markets Union finally has a real chance of being implemented – after years of merely talking about it. Because it's no longer just about bank or market financing. It's about prosperity and security – in other words, it's about the fundamentals.
EditorialEU regulation
von Detlef Fechtner

Banks and the Chancellery take up the cudgels for securitisation reform

The banking industry and politicians are advocating a reform of securitisation rules in Europe. Commerzbank Deputy CEO Bettina Orlopp, Barclays Germany CEO Ingrid Hengster and State Secretary Jörg Kukies are confident that a political agreement is within reach.
17th Financial Market DayCapital Markets Union
von Jan Schrader

Head of ESMA points to limits of regulation

The building blocks of the Capital Market Union are of great importance to the EU Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The head of the authority warns against focusing solely on regulation in the project.
17th Financial Market DayCapital markets union
von Wolf Brandes

A regular on the Bullshit Bingo list

There is a lot of talk about the Capital Markets Union – but little is happening. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has now made a proposal. Some elements of it are not convincing. But at least Le Maire is focussing attention on one crucial point.
OpinionCapital Markets Union
von Detlef Fechtner