Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema Energy.
RWE scales back on investment in uncertain environment
RWE has scaled back its investment plan running until 2030 by 10 billion euros, citing uncertainty in the US as the main reason. The company also wants to see the German government move fast with decisions on new gas fired power stations.
Siemens bleibt auf Kurs
Nach den ersten drei Monaten des Geschäftsjahres 2023/24 sieht sich der Münchner Technologiekonzern Siemens weiterhin auf Kurs. Der Umsatz steigt im 1. Quartal um 6% und der Nettogewinn liegt sogar deutlich über den Prognosen.
Only a first step for Germany
The electricity tax package merely ensures the status quo for energy-intensive companies, offering them no substantial new relief measures.
„The Need to Manage Risk is more Important than ever“
Recent spikes in volatility reinforce risk management needs, according the CME Group. Managers Derek Sammann and Tim McCourt believe in futures and options volume growth across different asset classes.