
Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema Growth.

Fiscal bazooka – economic game changer or short-lived boost?

Hundreds of billions of additional infrastructure and defence spending can only steer the German economy back on track if accompanied by structural reforms, economists say in response to a survey conducted by Börsen-Zeitung.
Survey of economists
von Stephan Lorz

Stoy is happy to leave the suit at home

Lars Stoy is adapting to the less hierarchical and more casually dressed environment of Dutch banks. The new CEO of ING Germany has his work cut out to match the performance of his predecessor Nick Jue.
New Head of ING Germany
von Tobias Fischer

ESG as a USP for Europe

The ESG backlash can be seen as an opportunity. The pullback of the US giants is a setback for climate protection – but gives European asset managers a chance to differentiate themselves in the competition for investors.
OpinionChanging sentiment in the USA
von Anna Sleegers

Fresh ideas urgently needed

Without new growth paths, Germany's future as an industrialised nation is in doubt. Fresh ideas on economic policy should be at the top of the election campaign programmes.
OpinionGerman business location
von Andreas Heitker

„The US budget is undoubtedly on an unsustainable path“

Goldman Sachs' chief economist Jan Hatzius is upbeat about the growth prospects of the US economy. However, he expects increasing government deficits to weigh on the Treasury market.
Interview withJan Hatzius, Chief Economist Goldman Sachs
von Alex Wehnert

Germany's debt dilemma

The German debt brake ensures budgetary discipline. But in the current global environment, a special fund needs to be set up to strengthen Germany's growth potential, and tackle challenges such as digitalisation and sustainability.
OpinionGermany's debt dilemma
von Stephan Lorz

„Die Dollar-Aufwertung führt in eine Finanzkrise“

Starinvestorin Cathie Wood kritisiert die Fed scharf. Doch trotz der straffen Geldpolitik bleibt sie von Growth-Titeln wie Tesla oder Zoom überzeugt – und bekräftigt ihr Bitcoin-Kursziel von 1 Mill. Dollar.
Cathie Wood
von Alex Wehnert

BoA für europäische Aktien skeptisch

Obwohl der Stoxx Europe das Jahresendziel der Bank of America von 390 Zählern erreicht hat, ist das Institut weiterhin skeptisch für die europäischen Aktienmärkte.

Die Rotation in Value könnte im Sande verlaufen

Wenn sich die Geschichte wiederholt, besteht eine reale Chance, dass die Wachstumsaussichten trotz hoher Inflation stabil bleiben. Folglich könnte die Umschichtung hin zu Value im Sande verlaufen.
von Yun Bai