
Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema Sustainability.

„Well intentioned proposals sometimes lead to bad outcomes.“

Not everything intended to promote sustainability leads to positive outcomes, says Gerold Grasshoff. The Chair of Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM) talks to Börsen-Zeitung about ESG, as well as the challenges posed by geopolitical and reputational risks.
A conversation withGerold Grasshoff
von Tobias Fischer

„ESG investment endures because it makes financial sense“

In the US, some states are blocking sustainable investment, while others continue to support it. In an interview with Börsen-Zeitung, Nordea's Head of Responsible Investment Eric Pedersen explains why ESG is far from dead.
Interview withEric Pedersen, Nordea
von Wolf Brandes

EIB baut Sustainability Bonds aus

Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) weitet das Spektrum der förderfähigen Projekte im Rahmen der Nachhaltigkeitsanleihen aus - unter anderem um Gender Equality.
von Kai Johannsen

„Top class office space is still in demand“

Clemens Schäfer, Head of Real Estate APAC & Europe at asset manager DWS, sees strong demand for high quality office space, while outdated buildings are finding it hard to attract tenants. He also sees great opportunities in the residential segment.
Interview withClemens Schäfer, DWS
von Wolf Brandes

"There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

The demands made of supervisory boards have broadened in recent years. Daniela Mattheus, President of the Financial Experts Association, discusses whether changes to the regulatory framework are needed.
Interview withDaniela Mattheus, Financial Experts Association
von Sabine Wadewitz

„Real sustainability needs more than just new rules“

The new EU regulation on ESG rating activities promotes transparency and comparability in the market. At present there is a wide variety of scores and opinions, with different methodologies.
A conversation withLuisa Dany, Mayer Brown
von Wolf Brandes

„Green deposits have enormous long-term potential“

Matthias Hennig-Frieten, Head of Sustainability & ESG at online platform Raisin, would like to see greater transparency and standardised regulations for green financial products. He sees big potential for green savings deposits.
PersonalitiesMatthias Hennig-Frieten, Raisin
von Wolf Brandes

„A slap in the face for Parliament“

Evelyn Regner, Member of the European Parliament, is highly critical of the EU Commission's ‘omnibus’ initiative. What the Commission calls a reduction in bureaucracy, she views as an abdication of responsibility.
Interview withEvelyn Regner, Social Democratic Party of Austria
von Detlef Fechtner

ESG as a USP for Europe

The ESG backlash can be seen as an opportunity. The pullback of the US giants is a setback for climate protection – but gives European asset managers a chance to differentiate themselves in the competition for investors.
OpinionChanging sentiment in the USA
von Anna Sleegers

„The industry is holding back on new ESG strategies“

Keeping up with new and amended ESG regulations will be a challenge for the finance industry in 2025, says Alexandra Themistocli, Head of ESG at SEB in Germany. But revisions to the SFDR will ease the reporting burden.
A conversation withAlexandra Themistocli, SEB
von Wolf Brandes

Impact investing moving toward greater pragmatism

The sustainability theme is encountering increasing resistance from investors. But Raphaela Schmid, Head of ESG & Sustainability at Susi Partners, says that sorting the wheat from the chaff will be good for the investment management industry.
Sustainable investmentRaphaela Schmid, Susi Partners
von Sabine Reifenberger

„Most companies are continuing with their climate programmes“

In spite of the about-turn on US climate policy under President Donald Trump, the global megatrend towards more renewable energy will continue, Allianz Board Member Günther Thallinger tells Börsen-Zeitung in an interview.
Interview with Günther Thallinger, Allianz
von Michael Flämig

Bureaucracy reduction as a point of contention

The upcoming EU Omnibus legislative package aims at simplifying requirements for sustainability reporting. As the first details emerge, a fierce dispute is already raging over what exactly should be included.
AnalysisEU Competitiveness Compass
von Detlef Fechtner

„Our strength lies in the breadth of our business areas“

Lutz Diederichs, CEO of BNP Paribas Germany, discusses the bank's strategy in the German market, including in the SME sector and private banking. He sees greater use of securitisation as an important step towards Capital Markets Union.
Interview withLutz Diederichs, CEO of BNP Paribas Germany
von Wolf Brandes

„With every customer we create more impact“

Hamburg based startup Tomorrow aims to direct capital towards "responsible" banking, without holding its own banking license. The account services and payments company wants to stay flexible, co-CEO and founder Inas Nureldin tells Börsen-Zeitung.
Interview withTomorrow founder Inas Nureldin
von Thomas List

Sustainability-Markt steuert auf 5-Bill.-Dollar-Marke zu

Der Nachhaltigkeitsmarkt steuert auf den nächsten Meilenstein zu. Bald sind 5 Bill. Dollar an grünen, sozialen und nachhaltigen Anleihen ausstehend.
Green Finance
von Kai Johannsen

Unternehmen zeigen Schuldscheinen die kalte Schulter

Unternehmen zeigen dem Finanzierungsinstrument Schuldschein derzeit den Rücken. Um 23% ist das Emissionsvolumen im ersten Halbjahr eingebrochen. Die Präsenz von Debüt-Unternehmen ist dabei aber erfreulich.
von Kai Johannsen

Affordable housing versus investor returns

Sustainable real estate should not only protect the environment but also pursue social goals. But there is tension between the two. For example energy efficient renovations often lead to higher monthly rental prices.
EditorialSocial real estate investments
von Thomas List

ESG has to be more than just exclusion

The next EU Commission would be well advised to establish a Transition category for sustainable funds. An important impetus has already come from the European Securities and Markets Authority.
EditorialSustainable fund regulation
von Jan Schrader

Savings banks are improving in the way they report on ESG

Zielke Research's evaluation of German banks' CSR reports shows plenty of room for improvement. KfW, Taunus Sparkasse and Helaba performed best. GLS Bank, Dortmunder Volksbank and VR Rosenheim-Chiemsee came in last.
AnalysisCorporate Social Responsibility reporting
von Wolf Brandes

Mikus defends Kenfo investment strategy against criticism from climate activists

Anja Mikus defends the investment strategy of the nuclear legacy fund Kenfo against criticism from Urgewald. As was made clear at a Börsen-Zeitung event, increasing regulation is leading to a certain ESG fatigue in the industry.
Discussion event organized by the Börsen-Zeitung
von Wolf Brandes

"With existing customers, you end up running after the data"

CSRD reporting poses a massive problem for banks, says Marco Lenhardt, Partner at KPMG. But time is of the essence. The institutes have to deliver by the end of the year.
A conversation withMarco Lenhardt, KPMG
von Wolf Brandes

"Impact Investing is becoming increasingly important"

Matt Christensen's interest in sustainability was sparked by his work in corporate valuation. He leads the department at Allianz Global Investors and is determined to drive change.
Sustainability up close and personalMatt Christensen
von Wolf Brandes

Eon looking for business ideas via startups

Eon is expanding its venture capital business. A fund has now been launched in which third parties can also participate.
New venture capital fund
von Annete Becker