Manager salaries

Higher remuneration for SAP Executive Board

SAP's good performance in the past year has not only pleased shareholders. The Executive Board members are also paid more than in the previous year.

Higher remuneration for SAP Executive Board

The SAP Executive Board once again earned significantly more performance-related remuneration for the past year than in 2022. According to the remuneration report, the Executive Board as a whole received performance-related payments totalling 19.9 million euros, compared to 12.3 million euros in the previous year. In 2021, performance-related remuneration totalled 17.9 million euros.

The total remuneration of all SAP Executive Board members rose to a total of 28 million euros, compared to 18.8 million euros in the previous year. The figures relate to the remuneration granted and owed. This includes all payments that accrued to a member of the Executive Board in the reporting year, or whose underlying services were rendered in full in the reporting year.

Compensation payment for Dominik Asam

CEO Christian Klein has been granted and owed remuneration of 7.16 million euros for 2023 (previous year: 4.67 million euros). Dominik Asam, CFO since March, follows in second place with 3.9 million euros. However, he received a compensation payment of 1.6 million euros in 2023 to compensate for forfeited remuneration entitlements at his previous employer, Airbus. He also received around 1 million euros via short-term and long-term performance-related remuneration models. In total, he will receive allocations for forfeited remuneration totalling 3.85 million euros, with the outstanding difference being granted in 2024.

In addition to fixed remuneration with pension and fringe benefits, the members of the Executive Board receive short-term and long-term performance-related remuneration. The short-term component is based on the achievement of specific critical financial figures and sustainability targets. The balance is better than in the previous year: In 2022, the target achievement for short-term performance-related remuneration was only 61.2%, and in 2023, it was 115.1%.

Remuneration system changes

The long-term incentive programme is allocated in annual tranches and covers a multi-year period. In addition to the achievement of specific vital figures, the share price also determines how much the long-term entitlements of an Executive Board member are worth. Last year, the SAP share price rose from just under 100 euros at the beginning of the year to almost 140 euros at the end of December 2023. The long-term components are paid out after the Annual General Meeting has approved the annual financial statements for the third financial year following the year in which they were granted.

Last year, SAP paid even more to former CFO Luka Mucic than to CEO Klein. Mucic had left the SAP Executive Board at the end of March and has since joined Vodafone. Including a severance payment of around 9.6 million euros, he received 11.6 million euros. Supervisory Board Chairman Hasso Plattner received 430,000 euros for his work. Former Nokia manager Pekka Ala-Pietilä was recently announced as his successor, after former Deloitte manager Punit Renjen was initially presented as Plattner's successor last year. Renjen has received at least 227,500 euros for his work on the Supervisory Board since May 2023.

The remuneration system for SAP Executive Board members will change somewhat from next year. Among other things, ESG aspects will then be given more significant consideration in the long-term remuneration components.