English | Financial news with a German perspective

Reports, insights, analyses and opinions on Europe's biggest financial market.

Today's billionaires still find inspiration in Alfred Nobel

Billionaire families like the Swedish Wallenberg dynasty have always shared the same goal: to increase and pass on their wealth. This is also evident in the current Billionaires Report by UBS.
AnalysisBillionaires Report by UBS
by Daniel Zulauf

"Of course, we want to enter the German market"

The CEO of the asset management division M&G Investments on private markets, new products, and synergies with the insurance business.
Interview withJoseph Pinto, M&G Investments
by Andreas Hippin

Epic Games attacks the duopoly

Epic Games has made a breach in Google's stronghold with the recent legal victory challenging the Play Store's business model. The fortress, however, remains intact.
OpinionPlay Store
by Heidi Rohde

Get even louder for an open-minded Europe!

The impassioned plea from the German Mechanical Engineering Association VDMA for an open-minded Europe is anything but premature. But the question remains whether it will find resonance in the appropriate channels.
OpinionMechanical engineering association
by Karolin Rothbart

Evonik will not be driven by external demands

Evonik's intentions to sell are encountering challenges due to difficult conditions. "But I won't be pressured by external demands to promptly divest the energy-intensive business", underscores CFO Maike Schuh.
CFO-Interview withMaike Schuh
by Annette Becker

London museum provides financial industry with biodiversity data

The data provider Bloomberg and the Natural History Museum in London aim to link data on species diversity with the business activities of companies and make that accessible to the financial industry.
Sustainable finance
by Wolf Brandes

Good and bad sovereign debts?

Hands off the debt limit! While the basic law is not set in stone, changes should not be made out of the exigencies of day-to-day politics.
EditorialDebt limit
by Claus Döring

Tyrannosaurus Dax

The German flagship index continues to break records. But its potential is constrained, particularly when compared to its US counterparts. This limitation is attributed in part to the significant presence of aging industries.
EditorialIndex composition
by Sebastian Schmid

"There will be market pressure"

The global standard setter ISSB relies on the power of investors when it comes to implementing sustainability-related reporting in national regulations. When it comes to sustainability reporting, the markets exert the pressure, says Erkki Liikanen, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the IFRS Foundation – the body that launched the ISSB.
Interview withErkki Liikanen, IFRS Foundation
by Detlef Fechtner and Mark Schrörs

History repeats itself with Europes AI Act

Protecting EU citizens from the dangers of AI is a noble goal. However, overly strict regulation at an early stage is likely to strengthen non-European rivals which do not face comparable regulatory demands.
OpinionArtificial Intelligence
by Sebastian Schmid

DFL receives green light for investor deal

One of football's last bastions against private equity investments has fallen. A two-thirds majority of Bundesliga clubs have voted in favour of the DFL managing directors negotiating with financial investors.
German Football League
by Christoph Ruhkamp

Better a horrible end than endless horror

The banks were very covetous when it came to residual debt policy. In some cases, more than half of the premiums were once collected as commission.
EditorialResidual debt insurance
by Wolf Brandes

Shut down the boys' club on Wall Street now!

Misogynistic behavior is always moronic and contemptible. On Wall Street, it has particularly far-reaching consequences.
OpinionMisogynistic behavior
by Alex Wehnert

EU judges set limits for credit reporting agency Schufa

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled on Schufa scores and debt relief. Here are the key questions and answers regarding the decisions.
ECJ decisions on credit bureaus
by Stefan Reccius and Jan Schrader

The Schufa verdict is moderate, immoderate, substantial

The principles for assessing creditworthiness are vague following the ECJ judgement. A sense of proportion is therefore required in the financial sector and the judiciary.
OpinionScoring decision
by Jan Schrader

Underwhelming IPO performance in Germany

In September, there was a brief hope for a rekindling of the IPO market. However, in 2023, the proceeds from initial public offerings in Germany are shrinking – to the second-lowest value of the past ten years.
Initial public offerings
by Christoph Ruhkamp

Many retailers in Germany face closure

A recession is not overcome by Christmas spirit and twinkling lights. Therefore, many retailers in Germany are threatened with closure next year.
EditorialRetail sector
by Martin Dunzendorfer

Wirecard trial faces delays

The Wirecard criminal trial before the Munich Regional Court enters its second year. This extensive legal process will eventually conclude with a verdict. But until then, there is still a long road ahead.
EditorialFraud case
by Stefan Kroneck

Trade Republic operates with a full banking license

With the full banking license, Trade Republic is embarking on a new chapter. Originally launched as a neobroker, the product range can now be expanded.
New compliance committee
by Björn Godenrath

Union holds Deutsche Bahn customers in captivity

Last Thursday evening, the GdL embarked on its latest 24 hour warning strike. Legislators must address the need to limit the impact of strikes on infrastructure and public-sector companies.
EditorialRailway strike
by Stephan Lorz

Generative AI could create up to $340 billion in annual value for banks

Generative AI could create up to $340 billion in annual value for banks, particularly in corporate and retail banking, according to McKinsey. However, the challenges are immense.
McKinsey study
by Philipp Habdank

Call of the wild: Biodiversity preservation goes beyond trendy investments

Conservation of biodiversity is not just a trendy investment topic. Companies will soon be held accountable for their contribution to it.
New reporting requirements
by Andreas Hippin

Foreign project investors are turning away from Germany

The quality of Germany's business environment seems to be on a decline: The federal economic development agency GTAI anticipates a significant decrease in foreign projects in 2023. What can be done without state funding?
Direct investments
by Stephan Lorz

Ceconomy CEO Wildberger has eager sellers breathing down his neck

The public discussion over JD.com's investment in Ceconomy was surely something CEO Karsten Wildberger could have done without. The challenges facing the parent company of Media Markt and Saturn are already tremendous.
Retail manager
by Annette Becker