Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Thema Italy.
Rome is pushing for a nuclear power renaissance
Against a background of rising energy prices and geopolitical uncertainties, the government in Rome is planning a nuclear power renaissance. With the addition of Italy, the nuclear bloc in Europe is growing stronger.
Unicredit's push creates new fronts in the fight against money laundering
If Unicredit's takeover of Commerzbank succeeds, the fight against money laundering will face new cross border challenges. The EU institutional framework has structural shortcomings in reporting suspicious activities, and a lack of capacity in law enforcement.
No acquisition without compensatory measures
The markets are confident that Unicredit will successfully acquire Commerzbank. The move would bring almost nothing but benefits for the Italians. But the German side should make some clear demands.
Die Dorias verkaufen heute lieber Käse
Die Familie Doria stand für Macht und Einfluss der Republik Genua im ganzen Mittelmeerraum und darüber hinaus. Mit dem Unternehmer Vittorio Doria Lamba lebt noch ein direkter Abkömmling des Admirals Lambo Doria der Venedig 1298 in einer berühmten Seeschlacht besiegte und dabei Marco Polo gefangennahm.