English | Financial news with a German perspective

Reports, insights, analyses and opinions on Europe's biggest financial market.


What's going on here? An Instagram account answers that question, which established local media in Frankfurt are answering less and less frequently. And with that, it now reaches more than 200,000 users.
Noted inFrankfurt
by Lutz Knappmann

Rising optimism in the fight against obesity

Obesity was not recognized as a disease for a long time, but new medications are bringing hope to the treatment of adiposity.
AnalysisBreakthrough in therapy with weight loss injections
by Sabine Wadewitz

„The AI Act must not stifle market dynamics“

The large digital corporations are preparing to dominate the AI market. Europe must not rely on regulation, but must improve the market conditions for its own companies.
Interview withAchim Wambach, ZEW
by Stephan Lorz

Pension Package II comes with a hefty bill for younger generations

The governing parties were pleased with Pension Package II because they were able to reward their base with symbolic successes. However, the pension system has by no means become more stable as a result. Because painful issues were left out.
EditorialPension package II
by Sebastian Schmid

BaFin and BVI against expensive research

When it comes to sustainability ratings, BaFin and BVI criticize high costs and quality deficiencies. They are passing the ball between each other.
by Wolf Brandes

The digital euro divides opinions

The ECB is very likely to introduce the digital euro by the end of the decade. Whether this is an urgently needed innovation or a misguided project is a matter of debate among experts.
AnalysisPayment transactions
by Martin Pirkl

Limits of payment regulation

Instant Payment is at risk of failure. The market model doesn't provide banks with economic incentives.
EditorialInstant Payments
by Björn Godenrath

The renewal of the German economy has stalled

The Bundesbank warns that the dynamism of the German economy has been slowing dramatically for years. Fewer and fewer companies are entering the market, and fewer and fewer are leaving it. This is slowing down growth and is poison for the location.
Economic policies
by Stephan Lorz

Searching for greater planning certainty

The government coalition has fortunately agreed on an unprecedented investment package for Deutsche Bahn. But there is still a lack of financial planning certainty for the period after 2027.
OpinionDeutsche Bahn
by Andreas Heitker

„Japan's monetary policy will only change slightly“

The Bank of Japan is under pressure from the financial market to raise interest rates for the first time in 17 years. But according to former central banker Shirai, there is no scope for further rapid interest rate hikes. The Japanese economy is too weak for that.
Interview with Sayuri Shirai
by Martin Fritz

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

The municipalities affected by the Greensill bankruptcy would do well to close the chapter with debt sales. On the one hand, inflation devalues claims. On the other hand, it contributes to local peace if the issue is cleared up.
OpinionGreensill debacle
by Björn Godenrath

DVFA warns of European data dump

Germany's investment professionals consider it risky to create a single access point for company data in the EU without a quality assurance system.
Company analysis
by Detlef Fechtner

„I'd rather buy an ETF“

The global ETF industry has reached a new record volume of 12.3 trillion dollars. One reason for this is the strong demand for equity ETFs in the face of booming stock markets.
OpinionAsset management
by Werner Rüppel

Triumph and defeat for Adidas

The German Football Association (DFB) has opted for Nike over Adidas: Just like in sports, there are victories and defeats in business. And in February Adidas itself had an unexpected success at the Super Bowl.
AnalysisDFB and Super Bowl
by Joachim Herr

Deutsche Bank repositions itself among the super-rich

The wealth management business with particularly wealthy clients is lucrative but complex. Deutsche Bank has a new head for the business in Stefanie Rühl-Hoffmann and wants to handle this exclusive client group in a more structured way in the future.
A conversation withStefanie Rühl-Hoffmann
by Philipp Habdank

Dax companies pay generous farewell gifts

Surprising changes to management positions can cost companies dearly. But orderly changes in the management board also cost money.
Remuneration of the Management Board
by Sabine Wadewitz

Mikus defends Kenfo investment strategy against criticism from climate activists

Anja Mikus defends the investment strategy of the nuclear legacy fund Kenfo against criticism from Urgewald. As was made clear at a Börsen-Zeitung event, increasing regulation is leading to a certain ESG fatigue in the industry.
Discussion event organized by the Börsen-Zeitung
by Wolf Brandes

Cluster risk China

Beijing's demand that domestic car manufacturers use more Chinese-made chips would be a blow to the strategies pursued by Western semiconductor manufacturers.
OpinionChip industry
by Stefan Kroneck

Deutsche Bank reduces remuneration for the majority of the Management Board

Last year, Deutsche Bank lowered the salaries of most of its top executives. However, because James von Moltke and Fabrizio Campelli earned more, the bottom line was that little changed for the entire Management Board.
Salaries in the millions decrease
by Jan Schrader

This is how Europe works

The Supply Chain Act is proof that the EU - after many twists and turns - is ultimately able to reach compromises, even on controversial issues, while accommodating the reservations of national governments.
OpinionEU Supply Chain Act
by Detlef Fechtner

Marcel de Groot takes the ejector seat at Vodafone

Marcel de Groot is not taking on an easy task as head of Vodafone Germany. So far, the competition has been gaining market share in mobile telephony and fixed-line network customers are running away.
Guard change
by Heidi Rohde

Saxony's tech scene is rolling up its sleeves

Saxony's start-up hotspots Dresden, Leipzig; and Chemnitz are currently going full speed ahead. In no other federal state has start-up activity recently increased as significantly as in the state of Saxony. However, the access to growth capital and the recruitment of employees are often still difficult for the young companies.
by Karolin Rothbart


René Benko and Signa are currently a much-discussed topic around Helaba. However, they are only being talked about in very vague terms, if at all. Meanwhile, the ratio of non-performing loans in commercial real estate lending has skyrocketed. However, the bank as a whole achieved a record high pre-tax profit in 2023.
OpinionHelaba & René Benko
by Philipp Habdank

ECB maintains its system of excess liquidity

The ECB is making several adjustments to its monetary policy framework. However, the changes are not a departure from the current system of excess liquidity.
Monetary policy
by Martin Pirkl