English | Financial news with a German perspective

Reports, insights, analyses and opinions on Europe's biggest financial market.

Head of ESMA points to limits of regulation

The building blocks of the Capital Market Union are of great importance to the EU Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The head of the authority warns against focusing solely on regulation in the project.
17th Financial Market DayCapital markets union
by Wolf Brandes

„We no longer need a rating“

On the way to its IPO, Douglas is completely replacing its previous financing. The new debt will have a significantly lower interest rate. However, CFO Mark Langer does not want to stick his neck out too far in the middle of the marketing phase.
CFO-Interview withMark Langer
by Annette Becker

Poor advisor for monetary policy

When considering interest rate cuts, the ECB should not look too closely at its own forecasts for inflation and economic growth. There are several reasons for this.
OpinionECB forecasts
by Martin Pirkl

Deutsche Börse targets institutional investors with crypto platform

Bitcoin reaches a new all-time high, and on the same day Deutsche Börse launches a crypto platform for institutional clients. Bitcoin and Ethereum will be the first on the platform.
Digital Exchange DBDX
by Werner Rüppel

Berentzen sets itself "very ambitious goals"

The Berentzen beverage group has suffered a setback in recent years due to declining consumer appetite. Executive Board Spokesman Oliver Schwegmann presents the new Group strategy and the "very ambitious goals".
A conversation withOliver Schwegmann
by Martin Dunzendorfer

New pension package by no means fit for the future yet

The funded pension provision in the new pension package of the government coalition delivers less than the FDP promises. But it still offers an opportunity.
OpinionGenerational capital
by Angela Wefers

Major changes in the Dax family

The increase of the cap limit to 15 percent will lead to major changes in the Dax and TecDax from March 18. In the TecDax, the weighting of SAP, Infineon and Deutsche Telekom will climb to 15 percent.
OpinionDax review
by Werner Rüppel

Bayer is in a strategic cul-de-sac

With the legal disputes that Bayer has acquired as well with the takeover of Monsanto, the company has manoeuvred itself into a dead end.
OpinionCapital Markets Day
by Annete Becker

Important and overdue step

With the launch of a platform for crypto trading, Deutsche Börse is preparing the ground for institutional trading in Germany.
OpinionCrypto platform
by Werner Rüppel

The annually recurring tragedy

Only once a year, on Equal Pay Day, does the pay gap between women and men become an issue.
Gender Pay Gap
by Alexandra Baude

Telecoms companies in a retreat battle

Groups such as Telekom and Vodafone are withdrawing from unprofitable markets. However, the profitable reallocation of resources is a feat.
by Heidi Rhode

Direct lending comes under pressure in Europe

Private debt managers are finding it increasingly difficult to raise money for direct lending funds. The processes take longer and are focussed on a few large addresses. Resurgent investment banks are also fuelling competition.
Private Debt
by Philipp Habdank

Banking association calls for reform of securitisation rules

Germany's private banks are calling on regulators to comprehensively revise the requirements for securitisations – including with regard to risk weighting and transparency requirements.
A conversation withMiye Kohlhase
by Detlef Fechtner

The bosses of Bosch, ZF and Conti are under pressure

The transition to electromobility poses major challenges for the bosses of Germany's largest automotive suppliers. Now the market is also weakening. Thousands of jobs are under threat.
Job cuts
by Joachim Herr and Carsten Steevens

Survey: German banks not meeting customer needs

A study shows: German banks are struggling with a lack of success of their smartphone services. Why can't they reach their customers better?
banks and digitalisation
by Wolf Brandes

"Money alone will not solve Germany's structural problems"

The President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy on the failure of politics, the right course for climate transformation, and the role of the debt brake.
A conversation withMoritz Schularick
by Stephan Lorz

Private debt must become more transparent

Private debt has so far proved to be a flexible restructuring partner. However, if the sector wants to open up to private investors, it must become more transparent with regard to default risks.
OpinionDebate about default rates
by Philipp Habdank

Chief Sustainability Officer considers green asset ratio unhelpful

Eva Meyer from BNP has noticed a certain ESG fatigue. This does not slow her down in her role as Head of Sustainability at BNP in Germany.
Sustainability up close and personalEva Meyer
by Wolf Brandes

Going public without a mountain of debt

Like Douglas, many other IPO candidates come from private equity and are highly indebted. In order for IPOs to be well received by investors, debt must be reduced. More than three times the operating profit is no longer accepted.
EditorialPrivate Equity
by Christoph Ruhkamp

Ways out of the obliteration of money

German citizens are giving away billions every year by sticking to traditional forms of investment such as fixed-term deposits, savings books, and the like. According to a survey commissioned by Commerzbank, security is their top priority and returns are of secondary importance.
3,200 German citizens surveyed
by Tobias Fischer

Deutschland AG at a watershed

Once feared, now accepted and at times even appreciated: activist investors are taking a seat at Deutschland AG. At Bayer, they will soon even be on the Supervisory Board.
OpinionActivist shareholders
by Claus Döring

Residential landlords caught in the amortisation maelstrom

The capital-intensive residential property sector is struggling with the loss in value of its assets. Above all, it is struggling with the repercussions on debt levels and financing.
EditorialReal estate
by Helmut Kipp

Higher remuneration for SAP Executive Board

SAP's good performance in the past year has not only pleased shareholders. The Executive Board members are also paid more than in the previous year.
Manager salaries
by Sabine Reifenberger

Banks need room for manoeuvre

European banks are allowing their shareholders to participate in rising interest income. There are good arguments for this. However, the promise of permanently high payout ratios is risky.
EditorialBank dividends
by Anna Sleegers