English | Financial news with a German perspective

Reports, insights, analyses and opinions on Europe's biggest financial market.

Poisoned atmosphere

The power struggle between ProSiebenSat.1 and its Italian shareholder Media For Europe intensifies. A takeover bid remains a possibility.
by Joachim Herr

Life on the works council at Covestro

As Chairwoman of the General Works Council at Covestro, Petra Kronen has the interests of 17,500 employees in her sights. Given the never ending takeover talks with Adnoc, the workforce is feeling insecure.
Conversation withCovestro Works Council Chairwoman Petra Kronen
by Annette Becker

„The customer business is the essence“

Matthias Dießl, the new President of the Bavarian Savings Banks Association, has worked in the private and corporate customer segment of Sparkasse Fürth for a decade. In the interview, he aligns with the DSGV's stance, emphasizing the need to prioritize customer focus.
Interview withMatthias Dießl, Bavarian Savings Banks Association
by Michael Flämig

EU in a dilemma over China trade

The EU wants to take action against the global flood of goods from China. But when push comes to shove, the EU might find itself to be in a weak bargaining position.
OpinionEU China trade relations
by Detlef Fechtner

Rejected payment transactions must be avoided

The EU Instant Payments Regulation will make all banks and service providers offer their customers instant payments. EBA Clearing explains some of the challenges as the market gets ready for the change in 2025.
Conversation withHays Littlejohn, EBA Clearing
by Björn Godenrath

„We are entering an era of scarcities“

Carsten Roemheld from Fidelity International discusses the phenomenon of Nvidia, interest rate moves by the ECB, and sectors outside of big tech that have the potential to lead the stock markets.
Interview withCarsten Roemheld, Fidelity International
by Tobias Möllers

„The digital business represents 20 percent of our revenues today“

The Börse Stuttgart Group has expanded its digital and crypto business in recent years. Now, it is increasingly focusing on foreign markets.
A conversation withMatthias Voelkel, Börse Stuttgart Group
by Detlef Fechtner

Bureaucracy and regulation deter companies from locating in Germany

A country comparison by the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW) concludes that bureaucracy and over regulation are stifling growth and making Germany an unattractive business location.
ZEW Study on Germany as a Business Location
by Stephan Lorz

Savings banks are improving in the way they report on ESG

Zielke Research's evaluation of German banks' CSR reports shows plenty of room for improvement. KfW, Taunus Sparkasse and Helaba performed best. GLS Bank, Dortmunder Volksbank and VR Rosenheim-Chiemsee came in last.
AnalysisCorporate Social Responsibility reporting
by Wolf Brandes

Rheinmetall CEO has strong convictions

Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger doesn't lack self-assurance. He argues forcefully that Germany needs to spend more on conventional armaments, in a world of geopolitical change.
PersonaliaSurge in the defense industry
by Annette Becker

„We intend to attract European capital to the USA“

W5 Group is hoping to attract institutional and family office money into US residential real estate. Director of Business Development Celine Winter discusses the opportunities in student housing and Innovative Living.
A conversation withCeline Winter, W5 Group
by Wolf Brandes

Hard tackling between DAZN and German Football League

The conflict between the German Football League (DFL) and DAZN over broadcasting rights for Bundesliga matches has now been referred to a court of arbitration. DAZN is challenging the award of the most important TV rights package to Sky.
Bundesliga broadcasting rights dispute
by Joachim Herr

Lufthansa CEO is sticking around for a while

Carsten Spohr has been at the head of Lufthansa for ten years. Last year was a good one for profitability, but the company faces plenty of challenges from competing airlines.
Ten years as Lufthansa CEO
by Lisa Schmelzer

Sustainably impressive Copenhagen

Copenhagen recently lost its iconic stock exchange landmark in a fire, and are now discussing traditional or modern restoration plans. Few cities blend old and new as adeptly. And in terms of infrastructure, German cities could learn a thing or two.
Noted inCopenhagen
by Philipp Habdank

Concerted action in support of the Frankfurt finance hub

At a recent event organised by Bankenverband Mitte, politicians and representatives from the financial sector called for better coordination to support the Frankfurt finance hub. They pointed to the recent success in winning out in the competition for the location of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA).
Promoting Frankfurt as a financial centre
by Tobias Fischer

EDIS proposal was hastily cobbled together

For the first time since 2015, there has been legislative movement on a European Deposit Insurance Scheme. But MEP Markus Ferber says that the Parliament position on EDIS was hastily cobbled together.
Interview withMarkus Ferber, CSU
by Detlef Fechtner

Growing number of million euro earners at EU banks

The number of million euro-plus earners in the European banking industry is increasing, according to the European Banking Authority. There were 2,342 people in this category for 2022. Though few of them were women.
Banking remuneration report
by Jan Schrader

Car manufacturers in a strategic dilemma

There are plenty of reasons that car manufacturers cite when the figures don't add up. In 2024, model changes will negatively impact earnings. But there are more fundamental causes, with no easy solutions.
OpinionAuto manfacturers weak start to the year
by Sebastian Schmid

Finding the right moment in difficult times

Dealmakers faced a challenging market environment last year. The winners who gathered in Frankfurt for the Corporate Finance Award ceremony hosted by Börsen-Zeitung and PwC shared some stories of navigating through turbulent waters.
Corporate Finance AwardsAwards ceremony
by Dennis Jung

„In today's world companies are constantly in crisis“

Walter Sinn, Managing Partner of consulting firm Bain & Co Germany, explains what currently concerns his clients, and identifies actions needed to improve the German business location.
Interview withWalter Sinn, Managing Partner of Bain & Co Germany
by Joachim Herr

Industry seeks to attract risk capital for critical technologies

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) urges the government to introduce new measures aimed at boosting industrial startups, by channeling more growth capital into Germany.
Supporting industrial innovation
by Angela Wefers

„The price of gold should move significantly higher“

Guy Wagner, Chief Investment Officer of Banque de Luxembourg Investments (BLI), expects the price of gold to rise significantly higher. He is also focusing on Japanese equities.
Interview withGuy Wagner
by Kai Johannsen

„The climate transformation must not falter due to financing constraints“

The economic landscape is being pressured by the climate transformation, and fears of deindustrialisation are growing. A recent roundtable hosted by IW, DekaBank, and Börsen-Zeitung, featuring Baden-Württemberg's Finance Minister, Bayaz, offered up a few solutions.
RoundtableGermany's economic transformation
by Stephan Lorz

„Our price target for Tesla is 2,000 dollars“

US fund manager Cathie Wood sees a bright future in Europe for active ETFs. At an event in Frankfurt she explained her strategy of investing in companies engaged in disruptive innovation – such as Tesla.
Cathie Wood in Frankfurt
by Werner Rüppel