English | Financial news with a German perspective

Reports, insights, analyses and opinions on Europe's biggest financial market.

„The ECB should maintain a clear mandate“

Jens Weidmann and Emanuel Mönch are the Directors of the new Centre for Central Banking at the Frankfurt School. In an interview they discuss monetary policy, climate change, and the work of the Centre.
Interview withJens Weidmann and Emanuel Mönch, Centre for Central Banking
by Martin Pirkl

Lack of oversight at the European Investment Bank alarms German Federal Court of Auditors

The German Federal Court of Auditors sees a significant liability risk for the federal budget due to the lack of oversight and control at the European Investment Bank (EIB).
European Investment Bank oversight
by Andreas Heitker

ESMA complains about limits of current supervision

There is currently a fierce debate over expanding the powers of the European Securities and Markets Authority. ESMA Chair Verena Ross is promoting a differentiated approach.
Market supervision
by Detlef Fechtner

Too many cooks spoil the broth

Europe's telecom companies are experiencing a surge of strategic investors. However, the ingredients they bring to the table are not always beneficial for the long-term health of the companies.
AnalysisTelecoms investor rush
by Heidi Rohde

ABN Amro continues its shopping spree in Germany

After Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe, ABN Amro has also set its sights on HSBC's German private banking business. The Dutch owners of Bethmann Bank apparently want to forge a new market leader.
ExclusiveConsolidation in private banking
by Anna Sleegers

„Made in Europe“ foodtech is on a roll

European food and agricultural technology start-ups are booming. In 2023 the sector attracted more venture capital than in the USA for the first time.
Foodtech start-ups, agricultural technology start-ups
by Karolin Rothbart

The seven deadly sins of the Ampel coalition government

Dirigisme and anti-capitalism lead to a political dead end, weaken the economy and jeopardise prosperity. The so-called Ampel (traffic light) coalition needs a different political approach and a fresh start.
EditorialThe Ampel coalition
by Stephan Lorz

„There will be a shortfall in power supply“

2G Energy manufactures and operates combined heat and power plants. Now the business is being expanded to include heat pumps, CFO Friedrich Pehle explains the strategy.
A conversation withFriedrich Pehle, 2G Energy
by Martin Dunzendorfer

ESRB looks at risks associated with private credit boom

A new ESRB report warns of risks associated with the non-bank financial sector, including private credit. Leverage and liquidity risks are two of the areas of concern.
Private finance and financial stability
by Wolf Brandes

Corporate bankruptcies rise again in May

The weak economic environment continues to take its toll. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) has reported an increase in corporate insolvencies in the first quarter versus the same period last year.
Insolvencies still trending upwards
by Alexandra Baude

Tobias Vogel new head of Association of Foreign Banks

Tobias Vogel is the new head of the Association of Foreign Banks in Germany (VAB). The CEO of UBS Europe takes over from Burkhard Kübel-Sorger, who is moving to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
PersonalitiesNew VAB chairman
by Tobias Fischer

Mary Jane isn't just for smoking

As Germany changes its laws, cannabis growers are already preparing for home cultivation. And there were huge exhibitor and visitor numbers at the recent Mary Jane Cannabis Expo in Berlin.
Noted inBerlin
by Angela Wefers

The search for new sources of income

The shareholders of Deutsche Pfandbriefbank have been through some tough times. The new Management Board will be setting out its new strategy later this year.
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
by Michael Flämig

Maintaining the freedom to choose how we pay

A digital euro would combine the convenience of digital payments with cash-like features. And it would give consumers an additional payment option that complements cash. Ultimately, it would be up to them to decide whether to use it.
Op-ed ColumnDigital Euro
by Piero Cipollone

EU taxonomy – more of a brake than a catalyst

Market participants complain that the EU taxonomy is too restrictive. For many green investments, it acts more like a brake than a catalyst.
EditorialBond markets
by Kai Johannsen

Oatmeal instead of weight loss injections

The head of Novo Nordisk, Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, has led the Danish pharmaceutical company to become the most valuable listed company in Europe.
Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen
by Lisa Schmelzer

A „caretaker“ brings confidence to the Hamburg financial centre

A supportive Finance Senator is encouraging the development of the Hamburg financial sector. But the short term focus is still on an expected takeover of Warburg Bank.
AnalysisHamburg financial centre
by Carsten Steevens

Dual track approach squeezes out best price in M&A market

Dual tracks are no longer an empty threat in price negotiations. Sellers of businesses are currently switching flexibly between IPOs and trade sales.
OpinionDual track process for company sales
by Christoph Ruhkamp

Morgan Stanley finding success on Easy Euwax

The Stuttgart Stock Exchange launched Easy Euwax eighteen months ago, providing zero fee trading for securitised derivatives providers. Morgan Stanley has since emerged as one of the big issuers on the platform.
AnalysisEuwax securitised derivatives
by Thomas Spengler

Bosch CEO Stefan Hartung as a reluctant protagonist

Bosch CEO Stefan Hartung remains optimistic about Germany as a business location, in spite of current challenges. And he views the United States as underrepresented in the Bosch portfolio.
Personalities Stefan Hartung, Bosch
by Sabine Reifenberger

„Germany should take humanoid robotics very seriously“

Humanoid robots have recently been attracting a lot of interest from investors, thanks to advances in generative AI. Germany should strive to be at the forefront in this field, says David Reger of Neura Robotics.
Interview withDavid Reger, Neura Robotics
by Karolin Rothbart

Only a trace of entrepreneurial spirit in Germany

The latest KfW Entrepreneurship Monitor shows that start-up activity increased slightly in 2023 – but is likely to trend downwards again this year due to the lack of an economic tailwind.
KfW Entrepreneurship Monitor 2024
by Alexandra Baude

„Perhaps this is a sort of calm before the storm“

The CIO of LBBW Asset Management, Michael Hünseler, expects that the Fed will cut interest rates this year. And he anticipates greater volatility on stock markets.
Interview withMichael Hünseler, CIO of LBBW Asset Management
by Werner Rüppel

Von der Leyen on an off-road trip

The EU Commission has announced punitive tariffs on e-cars produced in China. A thoughtless move with negative side effects.
EditorialPunitive auto tariffs
by Sebastian Schmid